Finger Saver Safety Tool

Finger Saver Tool Details and Specifications:

  • Designed hold tools like hammer, spanner, wrench, etc. to remove and or fix bolts, nuts, nails, etc.
  • Made with high impact Poly Propylene
  • With a strong internal strap made of Poly Propylene webbing
  • With different sizes
  • 850 mm model has 680 grams weight
  • 375 mm model having 230 grams weight
  • 295 mm model has 194 grams of weight
  • All the models have the same diameter – 33.5 mm

The Finger Saver Safety Tool or Finger Shield Tool is a tool designed to avert injuries at work site.  Have you ever hammered your finger while working on a project?  It’s a common mishap that can leave you throbbing in pain and sideline you from your work.  But fear not, there’s a simple solution: the finger saver tool.

What is a Finger Saver Tool OR Finger Shield Tool?

A finger saver tool is a small, handheld device designed to protect your fingers while hammering nails etc.  It typically features a grooved surface that cradles the nail head, allowing you to hold it securely in place for hammering without risking contact with your fingers.

Why Use a Finger Saver Tool?

Here are some compelling reasons to incorporate a finger-saver tool into your toolbox:

Safety First: The primary benefit is preventing painful and potentially serious finger injuries.  A misplaced hammer swing can cause anything from minor bruises to broken bones.

Increased Efficiency: Finger saver tools allow for one-handed nail holding, freeing up your other hand for precise hammering. This translates to faster and more efficient project completion.

Reduced Material Waste: Misplaced hammer blows can damage surrounding materials.  Finger saver tools promote accuracy, minimizing material waste.

Confidence Booster: With the fear of finger injuries minimized, one can approach the projects with greater confidence.

Finger Saver Tool Details and Specifications:

  • Designed hold tools like hammer, spanner, wrench, etc. to remove and or fix bolts, nuts, nails, etc.
  • Made with high impact Poly Propylene
  • With a strong internal strap made of Poly Propylene webbing
  • With different sizes
  • 850 mm model has 680 grams weight
  • 375 mm model having 230 grams weight
  • 295 mm model has 194 grams of weight
  • All the models have the same diameter – 33.5 mm

Contact us for Finger Saver Safety Tool Wholesale and Retail orders at eMail:, WhatsApp:+97155-9680202

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