Inherent FR Fabric

  • Weave: Plain Weave
  • Finish: Nomex IIIA Inherent FR
  • Blend: 93% Nomex – 50% Kevlar – 2% Antistatic
  • Weight: 155 GSM
  • All Standard Colours available

Inherent FR Fabric:

  • Weave: Plain Weave
  • Finish: Nomex IIIA Inherent FR
  • Blend: 93% Nomex – 50% Kevlar – 2% Antistatic
  • Weight: 155 GSM
  • All Standard Colours available

What is Inherent FR Fabric?

Inherent fire retardant fabric is a type of textile that is inherently resistant to fire due to its composition, rather than being treated with chemicals. This means the fire resistance is a permanent property of the fabric, not a coating or treatment that can wear off over time.

Benefits of Inherent Fire Retardant Fabric:
Durability: Unlike treated fabrics, the fire resistance of inherent fabrics is not affected by washing, cleaning, or exposure to harsh conditions. This makes them more durable and long-lasting.
Environmental Friendliness: Inherent fire retardant fabrics often use natural fibers or modified natural fibers, which can be more environmentally friendly than chemically treated fabrics.
Comfort: Inherent fire retardant fabrics can often be more comfortable to wear than treated fabrics, especially in hot or humid conditions.
Safety: Because the fire resistance is inside the fabric, there is a lower risk of the fire retardant properties.  Due to that, coming under a compromising situation due to wear and tear or improper handling is not there.
Common Examples of Inherent Fire Retardant Fibers:
Modacrylic: A synthetic fiber known for its flame resistance and heat resistance.
Aramid: A synthetic fiber with excellent heat resistance, flame resistance, and high tensile strength.
Wool: Natural fiber that is inherently flame resistant due to its protein structure.
Modified cotton: Cotton with chemical modification to improve its flame resistance.
Inherent fire-retardant fabrics offer a reliable and durable solution for applications where fire safety is a critical concern. Their uses are often in industries such as firefighting, aerospace, and automotive etc.  In these areas, exposure to fire or heat is a potential hazard.

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