Biker Shoes Talan 170 is a light weight safety shoes suitable for motor bike users who have lot of pedal usage. This safety shoes having a proper outer sole design to withstand high level of abrasion and collisions with objects such as pedal, break, foot rest etc.
This model of safety shoes has a category name – Walker. The sole has three different colours – Grey, Red and blue. It is a completely metal free safety shoes model.
Specification of Biker Shoes Talan 170
- Washable in the washing machine (up to 6 times)
- Completely metal-free
- Upper PU-coating for more protection
- Cordura® textilе upper, collar and tongue
- Extremely breathable airSurf Fabric lining
- Removable antistatic anatomically-shaped insole
- FiberCap for less weight with perfect protection
- Light and flexible MaxFlex Kevlar midsole
- Antistatic, oil-resistant, slip-proof PU-PU sole made from BASF®
- protection S1P
- staBene last for more comfort
- shoe height: 80 ± 5 mm
- Size available: 36 – 46
Details of Biker Shoes Talan 170
Midsole – The midsole of the shoes is not metal. Instead, it is a fabric one with lightweight and superior protection. The MaxFlex midsole is a combination of safety and comfort. MaxFlex is a material from Kevlar and it gives full protection from penetrating objects like nail and sharp materials. It is highly breathable and flexible as well.
Toe – The front toe is capable to withstand impacts of 200 jules and it is a non-metal part.
Antistatic – The safety shoe has an important feature of resisting static electricity too.
Shock Absorber – the Outsole has a feature of shock absorption.
Slip Resistant – The sole has a superior oil and slip resistant feature
The shoe has a Water-repellent, Full Grain Leather to keep your feet dry and protected. Also, a boot built for hard work and extreme environments. It helps to stay dry and comfortable with the water-repellent protection. It has an athletic motivation design and extra styling details. The full lacing system will keep the user steady and protected. This safety shoes are comfortable and designed in Italy.